

Maintainer - Unity Free Download

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Maintainer - Unity Free Download

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This is a paid asset, but now you can download for FREE, but please remember this package is provided only for learning purposes or to be able to test before buying the product, NOT FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES.

📌 Issues Finder tutorial

Searches your project for different issues like missing scripts, missing references, duplicate components, invalid layers, and much more. Allows getting rid of some found issues with automatic fixes.

📌 References Finder

Finds references in two scopes: project assets and hierarchy objects.

Project References tutorial

Allows finding project-wide references to any assets to quickly find out where your material or sound is used.

Hierarchy References tutorial

Search active scene or prefab for Game Objects and Components references to find out where those objects are used in your scene / prefab and easily navigate through results.

📌 Project Cleaner tutorial

Looks for the garbage in your project, lets you inspect it and remove unnecessary assets one-by-one or in batch mode.

📌 Overall highlights

Easy to start:

Easy to extend:

  • full API Reference
  • extendable dependencies scanners
  • 🔥 full C# sources included!

Support and updates since 2015 💖

Unity Packages

Unity Packages provides you with all the paid Unity assets for free from unity assets store for the learning purpose.

You can download all the unity assets for free to enhance your game creation skills and make the stunning games allowing you to make money.

We encourage you to download all the assets from the developers. These assets we share are for personal use and to gain some good knowledge with high quality assets.