

Love/Hate - Unity Free Download

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Love/Hate - Unity Free Download

Love/Hate is a relationship and personality simulator for Unity. It models characters’ feelings about each other using emotional states and value-based judgment of deeds, including gameplay actions done by the player.

This is a paid asset, but now you can download for FREE, but please remember this package is provided only for learning purposes or to be able to test before buying the product, NOT FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES.

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Works with all Unity versions 2019+ including 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022.

With Love/Hate, your characters will…

have personalities and emotional states.

Love/Hate uses powerful, customizable personality and emotional state models.

…maintain relationships.

Love/Hate tracks how different characters and groups (factions) feel about each other, allowing you to define a dynamic web of social ties among your characters.

…judge and remember deeds.

Characters witness deeds committed by others, judge them according to their own personality and relationships, and remember them.

…and gossip with other characters.

Characters share memories realistically, allowing news of actions to spread organically.

Love/Hate lets you create complex characters that react emotionally to what’s actually happening in the game. No scripting required.

Love/Hate is the product of several years of research and development in realtime simulation of emotions and value-based appraisal, incorporating the latest academic and industry strategies. It works great in 3D and 2D, and includes complete, fully documented source code as well as support for:

  • Hutong Games’ PlayMaker
  • Ludiq's Bolt
  • Opsive's Behavior Designer
  • Opsive Character Controllers
  • Eliot AI
  • Catsoft's Game Creator
  • ICE Creature Control
  • Icebox Studio's Adventure Creator
  • Black Horizon's Emerald AI
  • Pixel Crushers’ Dialogue System for Unity
  • Pixel Crushers’ Quest Machine
  • Gaming is Love's Makinom
  • Gaming is Love's ORK Framework
  • PLYoung's plyGame and plyBlox
  • Paradox Notion's Node Canvas
  • CallumP's TradeSys
  • UtopiaWorx Zone Controller & Zone Controller Pro

Unity Packages

Unity Packages provides you with all the paid Unity assets for free from unity assets store for the learning purpose.

You can download all the unity assets for free to enhance your game creation skills and make the stunning games allowing you to make money.

We encourage you to download all the assets from the developers. These assets we share are for personal use and to gain some good knowledge with high quality assets.