

Ultimate Pooling - Unity Free Download

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Ultimate Pooling - Unity Free Download

Ultimate Pooling is a fast and easy to use pooling system that can dramatically improve the performance of your game.Ultimate Pooling is designed to be as fast as possible while maintaining an easy to use interface. As a result there are only 2 methods that you need to wory about, 'UltimatePool.spawn' and 'UltimatePool.despawn'.

This is a paid asset, but now you can download for FREE, but please remember this package is provided only for learning purposes or to be able to test before buying the product, NOT FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES.



-Very easy to integrate into your game

-Massive performance increases over 'Instantiate' and 'Destroy'

-Support for pooling Game Objects and Components

-Support for pooling asset's in the 'Resources' folder

-Create pools at runtime or in the Editor

-Receive events on pooled objects when they are spawned or despawned

-Super fast 'batchSpawn' and 'batchDespawn' methods when morethan on instance needs to be spawned or despawned

-Full .chm scripting reference included

-Fully commented C# souce code

Unity Packages

Unity Packages provides you with all the paid Unity assets for free from unity assets store for the learning purpose.

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We encourage you to download all the assets from the developers. These assets we share are for personal use and to gain some good knowledge with high quality assets.