

Global Illumination Proxy - Unity Free Download

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Global Illumination Proxy - Unity Free Download
Global Illumination Proxy is a light manipulation framework that allows the emulation of indirect global illumination in Unity, with support for all Unity versions & platforms and optimizations for great performance on Mobile systems.

This is a paid asset, but now you can download for FREE, but please remember this package is provided only for learning purposes or to be able to test before buying the product, NOT FOR COMMERCIAL PURPOSES.

Global Illumination Proxy can be upgraded to InfiniGRASS and Sky Master UTLIMATE for $19 and Sky Master UTLIMATE also upgrades to all other major ARTnGAME assets from $9 to $29.
Windows Demo:
Atrium GI Demo with Sky Master ULTIMATE Volumetric Lighting
Create spectacular indirect lighting using minimal resources and Unity lights, for maximum compatibility and performance. The system uses shadowless point lights to emulate the bounced lights from surfaces.

The system has been created to deliver realistic GI, scalable depending on the hardware target. It supports all Unity lighttypes (point, spot and directional) and works on all platforms and in both Unity Free and Pro.
The "hero follow" mode allows for GI in open environments, where only the grid close to hero may cast indirect lighting.

New in v1.5
- Second light bounces for enhanced GI accuracy
- IBL Proxy for Sky color based lighting.
- Area lights Proxy (with point lights), GI enabled.
- Support for Jove lights.

The framework is written in C# code and the source code is provided.


If you have any requests for new features or feedback and for Mobile demos, please visit the Unity forum thread.

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ARTnGame Asset Upgrades Guide

Unity Packages

Unity Packages provides you with all the paid Unity assets for free from unity assets store for the learning purpose.

You can download all the unity assets for free to enhance your game creation skills and make the stunning games allowing you to make money.

We encourage you to download all the assets from the developers. These assets we share are for personal use and to gain some good knowledge with high quality assets.